If you're arranging airport transfers, whether that's a shuttle from one airport to another or a shuttle to your nearby destination, you want to remember that you're not hiring a taxicab. Shuttle services usually operate in order to accommodate a large crowd while still getting everyone to their next flight or destination as quickly as possible. Because of this, note a few quick questions to ask when arranging airport shuttle transfer in any city, to any destination.
1. Ask about restrictions for baggage
You may be restricted as to the number of bags and their size that you can bring at all, or before you get on the shuttle, you may need to pay an additional fee to the shuttle service, as storage space may be limited for them. There may also be limits as to the type of items you can bring, whether that's aerosol cans, hazardous materials, liquor, and so on. If you're bringing prototypes with you or gifts for other people, even if you've purchased these at the airport, you want to note if the shuttle service will allow them to be brought with you on the shuttle itself.
2. Ask about eating and drinking
A shuttle service may limit the eating and drinking you can enjoy while on board, including even a bottle of water. You may be tired and thirsty from a long flight, so it's good to know if you need to stop at a nearby restaurant or café or even help yourself to something from a vending machine, rather than assuming you can finish something you brought with you from the flight.
3. Ask about discounts
If you're a senior citizen or an international student with proper identification, you may be able to get a discount on any shuttle or airport transfer service. Don't assume that the shuttle service will offer this to you, but speak up and ask about it.
4. Ask about baby seats and car seats
If you're bringing young children with you, it's good to ask about baby seats or car seats and proper restraints. Not all shuttle services will be legally obligated to provide baby seats or even accommodate them if you bring your own. Don't assume that they will have seat belts in every seat to hold your child's baby seat either, so in addition to asking if they allow you to bring such a seat, note if they have proper restraints for it.